Chaldean Numerology
Chaldean numerology is a conversion of planets in Indian Astrology into Numbers. Hence considered the most accurate form of numerology and widely used. As per the DOB of the individual, the best planets are chosen and those are assigned into the name numbers. Complete details of Chaldean numerology will be discussed in our “Types of Numerology” section.
Chaldean Numerology
Pythagorean Numerology is also known as Western Numerology, and this form was developed by Pythagoras who was a Greek philosopher and a mathematician. This type of Numerology came about because he thought that everything could be broken down into numbers or mathematical calculations. All the numbers ranging from 1-9 hold certain energy and vibrations
which can be both used positively or negatively. This form of Numerology is mostly used by the western countries today and is among the most popular form to be used till now. We use this system to remove the negative energies from the names and balance it in three important aspects i.e., Health, Relationships and Finance.
Chaldean Numerology
Vedic Numerology is a combination of Numbers and Zodiac Signs together. At Numbur Smagiic, finally after a name is checked from Chaldean and Pythagorean systems, it is next validated by Vedic Numerology. The details of Vedic Numerology will be discussed in our “Types of Numerology” section.